
LiteGait 300MX Gait and Balance Training Systemfavorites


  • 135kg Patient Capacity
  • 198cm Maximum Patient Height
  • 66cm Powered Lift (26″)
  • Further Options Available
  • 30″ Standard Inside Base Width
  • Optional 34″ Inside Base Width
  • Adjustable Height Grab Bars
  • Includes 1 Adult Harness


  • 135kg Patient Capacity
  • 198cm Maximum Patient Height
  • 66cm Powered Lift (26")
  • Further Options Available
  • 30" Standard Inside Base Width
  • Optional 34" Inside Base Width
  • Adjustable Height Grab Bars
  • Includes 1 Adult Harness


A unique design allows the power lift mechanism to be built directly into the supportive arms of MX models.  This preserves all of the manual adjustment available in our popular WalkAble™ paediatric units while providing 26″ (66cm) of powered lift.

Every system comes with everything you need including one harness that fits a large range of patients.  The adjustability built into these systems allows for growth potential in a single user case, and it allows facilities to easily treat all their patients with the same unit.  Consult the specification table to find the right unit for you.

Maximum Patient Lift Capacity 300lbs (135kg), Maximum Patient Height on ground 6’6″, Electric Lift Stroke 26” (66cm) , Standard Inside Base Width 30” (76cm) or optional 34″ Available.

SKU: LG-300MX-30 Categories: ,

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