Movement Therapy

MotoLIFE has been designed for individuals for use in their own home and for clinicians for use in rehabilitation facilities.

MotoLIFE prevents, reduces and improves ailments related to mobility in the upper and lower limbs including:

  • Muscle Spasticity
  • Muscle Degeneration
  • Limited Mobility
  • Poor Circulation
  • Neurological Pathologies


  • Used in a seated position from own chair/wheelchair
  • Multi user software
  • Easily adjustable – onboard memory stores each users’ individual settings.
  • Data export to USB for analysis/reporting
  • Game therapy to increase engagement
  • Stress resistant metal structure
  • Broad base and levelling rubber feet for optimum stability
  • Wheels to transport
  • Italian made and designed

Passive Training

In Passive Training mode the motor can be set at speed and perform the movement without added force.

This form of training is beneficial for people with zero mobility in their arms or legs or have been immobile for extended periods of time. It gently relaxes muscles and improves circulation and joint flexibility.

An inbuilt safety feature will detect any spasms during the session. If a spasm occurs the system will stop the motor and reverse the direction of the pedaling to ease the spasm.

Active & Assisted Training

The Assisted Training setting automatically adjusts the resistance given by the pedals creating a heavier or lighter exercise based on the level of force exerted.

In real time the MotoLIFE LCD screen will display the active work performed by each limb separately so you can easily monitor symmetry.  Automatically adjusting resistance can increase the work of the muscles and the benefits of cardiovascular exercise.

Active Training assists a person to relearn how to perform the cycling motion.

Pedalling without any assistance from the motor is commonly used when neural pathways to the brain have been damaged.

There are numerous safety features and accessories available.

For Clinic

For Home


The minimum requirement to use the MotoLife is that the user is capable of keeping an upright position while sitting.  It is possible to access to it while still sitting on the patient’s chair or any other suitable chair, which must be very stable without castors and which does not swivel.  It must have a high backrest.

The arrangement of the pedals and of the arm-ergometer as well as the elements for the base have been designed to allow access directly from the patient’s wheelchair without having to transfer to any other chair.  A power-assisted system helps the positioning of the feet on the safety foot shells.


Inbuilt safety controls detect muscular spasms.  If a spasm occurs the system will interrupt the session and reverses the direction of the peddling to ease the spasm.  The spasm will also be recorded by the on-board memory and detailed in the report.

MotoLife is ideal for people with limited or zero mobility of the feet.  The electric system helps position the feet whilst pedals hold them in place, two elastic straps secure the feet safely and comfortably.  Additional leg supports are also available.

If training legs only, handlebars can be moved to avoid hindering movement.  Accessories that mitigate wheelchair movement/tipping and provide additional support for the arms are also available.


  • Adjustable Height & Length Upper Body Trainer
  • Adjustable Length Arm Cranks
  • Adjustable Length Leg Cranks

Adjustment positions can be recorded against each user’s account in the software allowing ease of accurate comparisons from one therapy to another.


The easy to use software has been designed to encourage training. The motivating prompts and interactive sliding screens can be turned on/off during each session.

MotoLife’s uses game-therapy to encourage training. Two games assist with symmetry and balance and a third focuses on pedaling speed.

MotoLife UNO

  • Lower Body
  • Active, Assistive, Passive
  • 7″ Colour Touchscreen
  • 20 levels up to 100 RPM
  • Standard Passive 60 RPM Motor Speed
  • 100 RPM available for Parkinson
  • Adjustable Frame & HandleBar Height
  • Spasticity Control Function
  • USB Data Export

MotoLife EVO

  • Lower or Upper Body
  • Active, Assistive, Passive
  • 7″ Colour Touchscreen
  • 20 levels up to 100 RPM
  • Standard Passive 60 RPM Motor Speed
  • 100 RPM available for Parkinson
  • Adjustable Frame & HandleBar Height
  • Spasticity Control Function
  • USB Data Export
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