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LiteGait GKS22 GaitKeeper Rehabilitation Treadmillfavorites


  • 0.2 – 5kph Reverse
  • 0.2 – 16kph Forward
  • 0 – 15% incline
  • 180kg Weight Capacity
  • Removable Console
  • Adjustable & Removable Handle Bars
  • Rehab Features
  • 7″ Step-Up Height
  • 22 x 56″ Walking Deck
  • Speed increases / decreases in 0.1kph increments
  • Distance display in metres


  • 0.2 – 5kph Reverse
  • 0.2 – 16kph Forward
  • 0 - 15% incline
  • 180kg Weight Capacity
  • Removable Console
  • Adjustable & Removable Handle Bars
  • Rehab Features
  • 7" Step-Up Height
  • 22 x 56" Walking Deck
  • Speed increases / decreases in 0.1kph increments
  • Distance display in metres

The GaitKeeper GKS22 Treadmill has unique features not found on any other treadmill.

Designed with the Clinician in mind.  Designed for Rehab.

With controls that are easily accessible by a clinician while assisting a client, a true zero starting speed for safety with clients of all functional levels, and distances displayed in feet or metres, GaitKeeper Treadmills include features designed with the clinician in mind.   The powerful motors in the GaitKeeper maintains a smooth, steady rate, even at very slow speeds.  Our GaitKeeper Treadmills can be built to include our GaitSens Gait Analysis Software.


The efficient AC motor produces high torque with cool and quiet operation, allowing smooth belt movement, even at very low speeds, and when transitioning from forward to reverse.

  • Incline Motor with 1000 lbs of Thrust
  • Laminated 2.5cm Medium Density Fibreboard Deck
  • Belt Multi-Ply Polyester Belt
  • Rollers 7.5cm Diameter Crowned Rollers
  • Impact System Soft System
  • Robotically Welded Heavy-Gauge Steel Frame


  • The GaitKeeper’s substantial 22″ x 56″ walking surface has a REVERSE function for more functional gait activities.
  • A true zero start and 0.1 kph increments allow for safe use for patients of all levels.
  • The GaitKeeper S22 speeds up to 16 kph forward and 5 kph in reverse, inclines up to 15% and can support up to 180kg of Patient Weight.


The easy-to-read display shows distance in feet/meters and miles/kilometres and allows for programming of goals for sessions.  The display console is removable to allow the clinician to monitor progress and adjust parameters from various positions while assisting or monitoring the patient.

GaitKeeper AdjustaBars®

  • Adjustable Height
  • Adjustable Width
  • Removable

The unique, patent-pending Adjustabars® have more range of adjustability than any handlebars currently available, allowing for easy height and width adjustment, with multiple secure, incremental positions to match patients of all sizes.

INTEGRATE with LiteGait for a Complete Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training Solution

  • Designed to Integrate with LiteGait
  • Maximises treadmill deck area with LiteGait
  • Removable AdjustaBars® allow better access to Patient

GaitSens Gait Analysis & Balance System

GaitSens 2.0 provides real-time measurement, reporting, and feedback of temporal and spatial parameters of gait and balance.  Sensors installed in a GaitKeeper treadmill send data to a supplied tablet for clinician and user application.

Measure, assess and treat user gait in real-time with data on speed, cadence, swing time, step length, base of support and weight-bearing dynamics.  Graphical representation of data presented in Therapist View allows for quick and easy identification of asymmetries in gait.

SKU: LG-GKS22M Categories: , ,

Step Up Height



0 – 15%


0.2 – 5kph Reverse, 0.2 – 16kph Forward

Treadmill Start Speed


Treadmill Belt

56 x 142cm

User Weight Capacity

TGA Registration

LiteGait GaitKeeper ARTG Registration #285485

Assembled Dimensions LxWxH

1850 x 750 x 1020mm

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