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Tunturi PL80 Single Adjustable Pulley Stationfavorites


  • Single Pulley Unit
  • Double Adjustable Pulley Handles
  • Slimline Wall Mounted
  • 0 – 24kg Resistance
  • 0 – 2kg in 0.5kg Increments
  • 2 – 24kg in 2kg Increments
  • Complete with Lat Pulldown

$1,758.90 incl. GST | $1,599.00 excl. GST


  • Single Pulley Unit
  • Double Adjustable Pulley Handles
  • Slimline Wall Mounted
  • 0 - 24kg Resistance
  • 0 - 2kg in 0.5kg Increments
  • 2 - 24kg in 2kg Increments
  • Complete with Lat Pulldown

Tunturi PL80 Pulley Station

The complete basic machine for strength training. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, or you’re simply looking for a machine for rehabilitation or physiotherapy. 

  • Full-body workout with the handy training accessories
  • Complete basic machine for strength training at home, physiotherapy, or rehabilitation
  • Resistance can be set gradually from 0 to 24 kg (52.9 lbs)
  • Many different exercises possible

Weight Selections

Start out with minimal resistance and build up in a very gradual and coordinated manner. This is especially important when you are undergoing rehabilitation or physiotherapy.

  • This strength station has a maximum resistance of 24 kg (52.9 lbs)
  • The resistance can be set from 0 kg (0 lbs), in 4 steps of 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs)
  • Then in steps of 2 kg (4.4 lbs) from 2 kg (4.4 lbs) to 24kg (52.9 lbs)



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