SportsArt C535R Foundation Series Recumbent Bikefavorites


  • 40 Levels of Resistance
  • 8 Programmes
  • Self-Powered
  • 181kg Weight Capacity
  • Adjustable Seat Back
  • Wireless Heart Rate

$4,499.00 incl. GST | $4,090.00 excl. GST


  • 40 Levels of Resistance
  • 8 Programmes
  • Self-Powered
  • 181kg Weight Capacity
  • Adjustable Seat Back
  • Wireless Heart Rate

SportsArt cycles are self-generating; no-outside power source required. Users will enjoy the built in wireless Polar® HR receiver and multiple language options (English, Spanish and French).

  • ComfortDri™ vented padded seat back allows for airflow throughout the workout and is molded to provide ultimate support
  • Convenient seat adjustment handles are easy to reach while exercising
  • Adjustable seat back provides extra comfort for any exercise position
  • Oversized pedals feature quick strap adjustment for easy customization
  • CSAFE port
  • Headphone jack with built-in volume control (x2)
  • USB port (x2) for device charging
  • Optional iPod & iPhone 30-pin connector
  • Optional SA WELL+™ workout tracking function
  • Optional MYE 900MHZ semi-integrated receiver*
  • Cardio Advisor™ displays
  • Optional 3-speed fan
  • Adjustable Seat Back
  • Wireless heart rate monitoring if paired with heart rate transmitter
SKU: SA-C535R Category:

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