
Jamar Smart Digital Hand Dynamometerfavorites

  • Measures 0-90kg Force
  • Electronic LCD Display
  • 5 Adjustable Hand Positions
  • Protective Carry Case Included
  • Bluetooth Enabled For Jamar App

$878.90 incl. GST | $799.00 excl. GST


  • Measures 0-90kg Force
  • Electronic LCD Display
  • 5 Adjustable Hand Positions
  • Protective Carry Case Included
  • Bluetooth Enabled For Jamar App
The Jamar Smart Digital Hand Dynamometer is the first electronic hand dynamometer that works seamlessly and wirelessly with a tablet app. The Jamar Smart Dynamometer has two available apps for your tablet. A free version features tools that allow for easy reading of standard hand grip features. Or use the fully featured app which provides additional tools for more in depth analysis. Record, graph, and track changes in hand grip strength and save patient results!

The Jamar Smart Digital Hand Dynamometer comes fully calibrated and is a great tool for professional clinical use.

The Jamar Smart Digital Hand Dynamometer can be used to measure isometric force and peak strength with five adjustable grip positions. This helps track strength and rehabilitation over time and is ideal for physical therapy professionals.


  • Bluetooth Enabled For Jamar App
  • Load Cell Technology (More Accurate & Reliable)
  • Electronic LCD Display
  • Automatic Calculations – Averages/Deviations
  • 5 Adjustable Hand Positions
  • Measurement Range: 0-90kg Force
  • Comes In Padded Carry Case With Instructions
  • 12 Months Warranty
Jamar Smart App Includes

  • Ability to set number of reps from 1 to 5
  • Determine hand(s) to test and which one to start with
  • Record the grip position on the Jamar
  • Easily accept or redo any trial
  • Instantly displays results to 1/10th of a pound
  • Calculates average, standard deviation and coefficient of variation
  • Compares results to norms based on patient’s gender and age

Paid Jamar Smart App Includes

  • Optional patient name and/or ID, gender and age storage
  • Save test history and quickly create a new test with the same parameters
  • Additional tests: Rapid Exchange, 5 Position Grip and Sustained Grip
  • Results for 5-Position and Sustained Grip also display as a real-time graph for easier interpretation of results
  • Export results as a PDF file
SKU: JM-SDHD Categories: ,
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