
Jamar Plus+ Digital Hand Dynamometerfavorites

  • Measures 0-90kg Force
  • Electronic LCD Display
  • 5 Adjustable Hand Positions
  • Protective Carry Case Included

$797.50 incl. GST | $725.00 excl. GST


  • Measures 0-90kg Force
  • Electronic LCD Display
  • 5 Adjustable Hand Positions
  • Protective Carry Case Included
The Jamar Plus+ Digital Hand Dynamometer has electronic load cells which increase the accuracy when compared to the standard hydraulic for measuring grip strength. The Jamar digital hand dynamometer also has an easy to read LCD display and calculates statistics like averages and standard deviations. Lastly as the Jamar digital hand dynamometer doesn’t use hydraulic fluid there is no issues with leakages.
The Jamar Plus Digital Hand Dynamometer comes fully calibrated and is a great tool for professional clinical use.

The Jamar Plus Digital Hand Dynamometer can be used to measure isometric force and peak strength with five adjustable grip positions. This helps track strength and rehabilitation over time and is ideal for physical therapy professionals.


  • Load Cell Technology (More Accurate & Reliable)
  • Electronic LCD Display
  • Automatic Calculations – Averages/Deviations
  • 5 Adjustable Hand Positions
  • Measurement Range: 0-90kg Force
  • Comes In Padded Carry Case With Instructions
  • 12 Months Warranty
SKU: JM-DPHD Categories: ,
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